The University of Edinburgh Shell Centenary Scholarships offer postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the UK and gain skills that will make a long-term contribution to the further development of their countries.
The scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, maintenance costs and a return airfare for the scholarship holder.
Six of these scholarships (two Shell Centenary Scholarships and four Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships) are available each year at the University of Edinburgh for students pursuing one of the following taught Master’s degrees:
- College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
- MSc Applied Animal Behaviour & Welfare
- MSc Equine Science
- MSc Public Health Research
- College of Science and Engineering
- MSc Acoustics and Music Technology
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants
- MSc Bioinformatics
- MSc Cognitive Science
- MSc Computer Science
- MSc e-Science
- MSc Ecological Economics
- MSc Environment & Development
- MSc Environmental Protection & Management
- MSc Environmental Sustainability
- MSc Forest Ecology & Management
- MSc Geographical Information Science (taught)
- MSc High Performance Computing
- MSc Informatics
- MSc Operational Research
- MSc Quantitative Genetics & Genome Analysis
- MSc Remote Sensing and Image Processing Technology
- MSc Resource Management
- MSc Signal Processing & Communications
- MSc Sustainable Energy Systems
How To Apply
For a University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Application Form and information on how to obtain a Shell Centenary Scholarship use the address below.
Application Form can be obtained from: The Scholarships and Student Finance Office, Old College, The University of Edinburgh, South Bridge, Edinburgh. EH8 9YL. Tel: +44 (0) 131 651 4067. E-mail: scholarships [at]
Scholarship application forms must be returned to arrive at the university by 1 st March.
For further details, and application materials, contact: University of Edinburgh Shell Centenary Scholarships