The World Council of Churches Scholarships Programme is open to all women and men, lay and ordained, who are recommended by a WCC member church or related church organization.
Preference is given to candidates from a developing country, and to those who have not previously studied outside their home country.
Before an application for a WCC scholarship is submitted, a candidate should have completed secondary education plus basic training for employment, and have had several years’ working experience related to the proposed field of study.
Candidates should be well qualified to undertake the requested programme and be willing to participate fully in the life of the host community during the period of study.
Candidates cannot undertake in-country studies. The ecumenical learning opportunity of study in another country is an essential element of the WCC Scholarships Programme.
Although the study programme may be undertaken in any foreign country, priority is given to opportunities in developing countries.
Candidates are required to commit themselves to return to their home country at the conclusion of the study, so that they may take up the task for which the training was requested.
Scholarships are normally provided for courses ranging from 3 months to 2 years. They are not offered to cover longer courses such as undergraduate or doctoral studies.
Candidates should be under the age of 45.
Deadlines: For studies starting 1 January to 31 July, application to reach Geneva by 31 August of preceding year. For studies starting 1 August to 31 December, application to reach Geneva by 31 January of preceding year.
For more details and application visit: World Council of Churches Scholarships Programme website