Yale World fellow program seeks for applications world wide in Media, military & arts.


The Yale World Fellows Program seeks applications from early mid-career emerging leaders who have distinguished themselves within their own professions, regions, countries, or at an international level.

World Fellows are selected from a wide range of fields and disciplines including government, business, non-governmental organizations, religion, the military, media, and the arts.

Fellowship criteria for selection include:

  • An established record of extraordinary achievement and integrity;
  • Commitment to engagement in crucial issues and to making a difference at the local, national, or global level;
  • Promise of a future career of leadership and notable impact;
  • Special capacity for critical, creative, entrepreneurial, and strategic thinking;
  • Likelihood to benefit from participation in the Program and to contribute to global understanding at Yale;
  • Commitment to a rigorous program of activities, to full-time residence at Yale for the duration of the program, and to mentoring students and speaking frequently on campus.

Fellowship Eligibility

  • Nominations and applications for the Yale World Fellows Program are solicited from around the world.
  • A Fellowship candidate must be a citizen of and reside in a country other than the United States.
  • Preference may be given to candidates who have not had extensive educational or work experience in the United States, particularly at Yale.
  • Candidates should be in the early mid-career stage, roughly five to fifteen years into their professional lives, with demonstrated work accomplishments, and a clear indication of future contributions and excellence.
  • A reasonable command of English is essential.
  • Fellowship candidates must complete an online application and submit at least three confidential letters of recommendation. Regional panels review semifinalist candidates, and a final selection committee aims to assemble a Fellowship group that is diverse, geographically balanced, and representative of a wide range of professions, talents, and perspectives.

Families joining the World Fellow for the duration of the Program will be provided with housing and a travel allowance for their stay.

However, it is important to note that, as stated above, the World Fellow’s schedule is very full, so another parent or guardian will be necessary for the care of children.

Deadline: Fellowships are offered every year.

For more information and application materials, see; Yale World Fellows Program Website


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