The APA Science Student Council is proud to announce its annual competition for early (i.e., pre-doctoral) researchers.
The purpose of the program is to recognize outstanding student researchers who are currently early in their graduate training.
We are unable to accept submissions from advanced graduate students for research completed earlier in their graduate training.
Strong preference will be given to students who demonstrate outstanding research abilities earlier in their graduate training (e.g. up to and including master’s thesis or equivalent), and who show a greater level of independence in conducting their research.
In 2006, two awards will be granted: a $1,000 award for basic science, and a $1,000 award for applied science.
Complete applications must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) by September. Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Applicants must be enrolled full-time and be in good standing in a doctoral program in psychology at a regionally accredited university or college located in the United States or Canada.
Applicants must be student affiliates or associate members of the American Psychological Association.
Students who are not affiliates must apply for affiliation when submitting materials for the Early Researcher Award; all materials must be received by the Science Directorate in a single, complete package.
The APA Student Affiliate membership form is available on-line at
Applicants may apply to both the Early Researcher and Dissertation Awards, though winning the Early Researcher Award will preclude them from consideration for the Dissertation Award.
Applicants must not have previously received an APA Dissertation Research Award, an APF/Todd E. Husted Memorial Award, or an Early Researcher Award.
The research may be in any area of psychological science. Dissertation research will not be considered.