13 members of parliament are in danger of losing their seats due to the delay to declare their wealth to the Inspector General of Government.
This came after the inspector General of Government (IGG) Justice Irine Mulyagonjo written to parliament warning Mps of bleach of the leadership code Act .
The IGG told parliament in a letter that 13 MPS have failed to comply with the leadership Act and he demands parliament to compel those mps to do so in time before time expires by 31st
Of January this year
The speaker of parliament Rebecca kadaga told the 13 Mps who have not complied with the leadership Act to declare their wealth before time in which are required to declare them expires.
She however declined to disclose the names of Mps who have delayed to declare their wealth.
According to the leadership Act any leader who fails to declare his or wealth bound to lose the seat.
Leaders are required to declare their wealth, assets and liabilities and those of their spouses, children and dependents below 18 years.
The leadership code Act , articles 233 of the year 2002 ,section (a) require specified officers to declare their incomes, assets and liabilities from time to time and how they acquired or incurred them.