Starting next year and beyond, the national agriculture research
organization (NARO) intends to roll out seed banks to different parts of
the country at local levels to supplement the two that are currently
existing in the country in Entebbe and Sheema district.
The seed banks are used to keep different seed types for future use that to
say, research, planting among other duties and currently such facilities
are lacking in the country yet they mean a lot to local farmers as they can
be used by farmers to get better seeds for planting.
The principal researcher Kawanda NARO center, Andrew Kigundu states that
the community seed banks wil help much to solve the issue of seed
inadequacy in the country at community level.Cue.Kigundu.Eng&Lug.
He also confirms that they invented new disease resistant cassava and
bananas which are still kept close to them in the research center due to
lack of laws to permit them to put them in public domain.Cue.Resistant.Lug.