The Theodora Bosanquet Bursary is offered annually to women graduates whose research in History or English Literature requires a short residence in London in the summer.
It provides accommodation in a hall of residence for up to 4 weeks between mid June and mid September.
There is no upper age limit.
Applicants will be requested to supply the names and addresses of two referees, at least one of whom must be acquainted with the applicant’s proposed work.
Successful applicants will be notified by the beginning of February that they have been awarded a Bursary.
Dates of residence must then be arranged through the Grants Administrator.
After completing her tenure of the Bursary, every Bursary holder is required to submit a short report to the Foundation on the work carried out during her stay in London.
Deadline: The closing date for receipt of applications for the Bursary offered for tenure during the period mid June to mid September is 31 October.
Requests for application forms must be made by e-mail to; Grants Administrator (TBB), Email: Jean.C [at] or to: BFWG.Charity [at]
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