Masters fellowship & Economic & social research for only Tanzanian citizens.


The International Fellowships Program (IFP) is a program based in New York, and supported by the Ford Foundation.

It is administered in Tanzania as IFP-Tanzania in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF).

IFP-Tanzania is hereby announcing the fellowships for advanced study, of up to three years of study to exceptional individuals with potential qualities and who will use their education to further development in their own communities and the nation, ultimately bringing about greater social and economic justice in the country and also worldwide.

IFP fellowships will be awarded to applicants from diverse backgrounds, more specifically, to those from social groups and communities that lack systematic access to higher education.

These fellowships are tenable in the world, were the IFP programme has Strategic Partnership Universities (SUPs).

A total of Seventeen (17) fellowships will be awarded to deserving Tanzanians, for the academic year to undertake masters program only.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicant must;

  • Be resident or resident nationals of Tanzania or other official resident of Tanzania
  • Hold an honors bachelor’s degree- for those applying for Masters Fellowships
  • Have demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to community service and/ or national development.
  • Have significant relevant professional or other work experience related to proposed field of study, of not less than three (3) years.
  • Intent to pursue a post-graduate degree that will directly enhance their leadership capacity in an academic, policy, practical or artistic discipline and field corresponding to one or more of the Foundation’s areas of endeavor.
  • Present a plan specifying how they will apply their studies to social problems in their own countries.
  • Commit themselves to working on these issues after completing the fellowship period.

Priority will be given to people living and working with communities outside the major cities or those working with marginalized groups in rural or urban poor.

Deadline: 15th February.

For more fellowship information and application, see: The International Fellowships Program-Tanzania Website

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