Approximately 30 non-renewable Spencer Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education are awarded each year to encourage scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education.
These fellowships are not intended to finance data collection or the completion of doctoral coursework, but rather to support the final analysis of the research topic and the writing of the dissertation.
Award Amount: Stipends of $25,000 per year.
Disciplines: Open to all fields. As long as dissertation topic is relevant to education, in the broadest sense.
Citizenship: No citizenship requirements.
Requirements: All predissertation requirements must be completed before activation of award.
Must be candidates for the doctoral degree at a graduate school within the US.
Expect to complete the dissertation by the end of the two-year award period.
Contacts: Dissertation Fellowship Program, The Spencer Foundation, 875 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3930, Chicago, IL 60611-1803, 1 (312) 274-6526, E-mail: fellows[at]
Deadline: November 2 each year.
For further details, and application materials, contact: Spencer Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education