The public accounts committee members of parliament have demanded the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to sack its director of procurement on claims that he was forced on Uganda by World Bank .
Mps on the committee become angry to hear that UNRA procurement department is headed by an Ethiopian claiming that such a job should have been given to Ugandans because they also have the qualifications.
MPS Yona Musinguzi , Xavier Kyoma and Eddie Kwizera said that Kebede’s recruitment was not transparent since he was recommended to Uganda by the world bank.
Mps wandered whether kebede has unique qualifications which other Ugandans who studied procurement are not holding.
The chair person of the committee Kasiano Wadri tasked Ntungomo member of parliament who was vocal on the matter Yona Musinguzi to produce evidence to the committee justifying that its world bank forced Kebede to Uganda which mp Musinguzi accepted.
Kasiano Wadri was forced to adjourn the committee for 40 minutes to iron out some issues which had caused mps concern .
The Executive Director UNRA Eng. Kimeze ssebbugga defended the procurement consultant from Ethiopia saying that he was sourced by the world bank on government request and requested for calm on foreigners working in Uganda since also Ugandans work abroad.
Kebede has worked with UNRA close three year since was recruited in an disputed process and he earns between 14000 and 19000 dollars.
MPS also grilled UNRA officials for giving contracts to blacklisted construction companies citing out China Civil Engineering Construction Company which was black listed by world bank for substandard works but it was given a contract of the Entebbe express high way by UNRA.