It seems president Museveni and his cohart, the Inspector General of Police, Kale Kayihura have opened a war against Great Britain. While recently at MakerereUniversity, the Inspector General took a moment to distribute copies of a handbook titled ‘Uganda was not created by the British,’ containing some of President Museveni’s key national addresses.”
Currently, Museveni is reportedly heavily militarising and recruiting students from Primary Schools, Secondary, Colleges and Universities in preparation to fight a war which he (Museveni) named; “War Against Britain Intervention.”
Gen Kayihura, while still at Makerere, he told students that Uganda Will Miss Museveni. He says that Ugandans will take long to have another president with the person and quality of President Yoweri Museveni once he is gone.
Kayihura inspecting a students’ parade at MakerereUniversity said that he shuddered at how Ugandans up to date had chosen to turn a blind eye to the positive attributes in their leader and resorted only to hurling insults at him as though he was the worst President Uganda has ever had.
The police boss says that while Ugandans despised President Museveni, many people out in the region craved to have a leader like him.
“Here in Uganda you are saying, you are tired of Museveni, he should go, but your friends out there wish he was their president,” Kayihura told MakerereUniversity students.
Kayihura continues, “Recently I hosted my fellow police commanders of the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (EAPCCO) and the President of Uganda came and facilitated in the conference, but when he left everyone was telling me ‘Oh, ‘You have a great leader, if only he was our President.”
The Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation brings together top police commanders from 13 countries across Africa. Kayihura urges Ugandans to utilize their attained education to always internalize the messages in Museveni’s national addresses, which he said contained a clear roadmap of the country’s future right from independence.