Apply for research in the fields of development studies.


Publishing is an integral part of academic activity and a strong publication record underpins a successful research career.

Publications, especially scholarly articles in accredited journals, are a key indicator for assessing the quality of individual researchers and are a critical means of enhancing the impact of research.

As part of and with generous support from the German­ South African Year of Science, the Development Research Division of the South African German Centre for Development Research and Criminal Justice cordially invites you to participate in its Advanced Year of Science Publication Workshop.

The workshop takes place at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, from the 11­-15 February 2013.

The workshop is facilitated by highly cited researchers such as Profs. Julian May, Greg Ruiters and.

Wilhelm Löwenstein and includes presentations by editors of important journals such as Development Southern Africa, the European Journal of Development Studies and the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.

Presentations will also be made by experienced reviewers and academic writing specialists from the field of development studies, public management and social policy, who will share their insider knowledge of the academic publication process with the course participants.

Workshop Objectives and Benefits

The Advanced Publication Workshop has been explicitly tailored to accommodate the specific publication needs and requirements of emerging researchers in the field of development studies, social policy and public management.

It aims at equipping you with the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence needed to publish academic articles in renowned accredited journals, allowing you to maximize the impact of your research.

After successful completion of the workshop, you will have produced a peer reviewed and edited academic article that you are expected to submit to an accredited journal of your choice, upon which a certificate of attendance will be provided to you.

Course Contents

A balanced mix of lectures, exercises, peer reviews as well as discussions with managing editors of leading journals are offered. The aspects that will be covered are:

For more information, see: Publication Workshop Scholarships


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