Several Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Italy for masters degree.


Scholarships (approximately euro 11000 per year, renewable for three years) are available.

For the class entering, up to 9 scholarships will be awarded for enrolment in the SE section, up to 6 for ECC enrolment, up to 4 for SMA enrolment.

Applications should specify the section(s) of interest but the admissions procedure will be run at the level of the School and will result in offers of admission to one or more of the three sections.

Foreigners (“non-residenti”) may be accepted without examination if their curriculum includes a Master’s degree in Economics or related quantitative or social sciences, or is otherwise outstanding.

For all other candidates there will be a written exam on November 2, followed by an oral exam on November 3.

Applications deadline: 21st September.

Applicants who have not yet obtained a Master’s degree in Economics are advised also to apply for admission at CORIPE: Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Italy, Università degli Studi di Torino

The call for applications and online application forms in other subjects are available at; Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Italy, Università degli Studi di Torino

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