ICCR Scholarships in India for International students in various programs.


The Indian Council for Cultural Relations on behalf Government of India offers scholarships and fellowships to international students wishing to study in India in various programs and disciplines.

Scholarships are available also for research work and non-formal courses (Religion, Classical Music, Dance and Crafts).

Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) offers 1804 scholarships every year under its various scholarship schemes.

International students from over 70 countries study in different universities and educational institutions spread all over India to pursue a variety of courses from under-graduate to post-doctoral level in various subjects.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

Offer of scholarships are sent to the respective Governments through Indian diplomatic missions abroad.

Nominations are received from the respective Governments in the Indian diplomatic missions concerned.

These are forwarded to Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) for final selection and placement.

Direct applications from candidates cannot be considered by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

International government nominees have to fill prescribed forms for Scholarships for Foreign Nationals that are available with Indian missions abroad.

While filling in the forms, the candidate must specify the course he wishes to pursue such as:

For more information and application, see; ICCR Scholarships – India

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