ugandans to celebtate signing of Anti gay law

Following the signing of the anti homosexuality bill into law by the
president of Uganda yesterday, Ugandans against the vice under their
umbrella body united against homosexuality are happy for the president
and are preparing holding massive national celebrations as a sign to
congratulate themselves upon winning the battle against homosexuality.

Addressing a joint press conference in Kampala today, former ethics
and integrity minister, Dr. Nsaba Buturo, Pastors, Martine Sempa,
Joseph Sserwada and David Kiganda revealed that they will be holding
thanks giving prayers on 4th March at Kololo independence grounds
where they invite all Ugandans to attend..

However, pastor Joseph Sserwada urges all Ugandans to come out to show
their support towards the new law as a signal that its was not a
presidential, parliamentary push but for all

But Pastor Kiganda is also calling on victims of homosexuality to come
for rehabilitation as the coalition has embarked on a plan to set up
rehabilitation centers across the country.

Still Pastor Sempa is considering writing to the speaker of EALA, Hon.
Margaret Zziwa to have the same law passed at the regional level and
also on the continent.

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