Proposals from African scientists for research in diseases


The African Fellowship Programme on Neglected Tropical Diseases has launched its call for proposals from African scientists for its prestigious Fellowships for research in into diseases such as bilharzia, elephantiasis, worms, diarrhea and sleeping sickness.

The programme offers fellowships for both junior researchers who have recently completed their doctorates awards and experienced researchers ready to take on larger research programmes.

Fellows are funded for up to three years to carry out research in an African institution. The awards include funding for Fellows to establish mentoring links with leading scientists, both African and non-African.

The programme also offers training in key skills such as proposal writing and making presentations.

The Fellowships provide opportunities for young scientists to demonstrate their ability and commitment to this field and are highly competitive, with the final stage of the selection process taking place at an international conference.

Research assistants employed on the projects will work towards masters and doctoral qualifications, widening the research capacity building.

For more scholarship information and application, visit: African Fellowships on Neglected Tropical Diseases

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