The South Sudan rebels have reportedly burnt a Ugandan woman together with her baby to death to protest the involvement of UPDF in the killing of innocent South Sudanese. UPDF is Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces.
Joan Namudu reportedly met her death on Sunday when the rebels took over Gadiang, about 80 kilometers from BorTown. Solomon Titre, a Ugandan eye witness says the rebel forces also killed several South Sudanese during the fierce fighting with government forces.
The fighting in which some UPDF and South Sudan government soldiers were killed lasted for close to 9 hours. Namudu’s body is still in the custody of South Sudanese government forces. The insecurity in South Sudan is still tense.
The brutal murder of Namudu shocked many Ugandans still in South Sudan. Vincent Buruga, a Ugandan journalist based in Eastern Equatoria state of South Sudan alledges that Ugandans still in Sudan are living in fear following the rebels’ attacks on them.