Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship for undergraduates & postgraduates.


Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program (Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships offered)

The Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program will offer 75 full tuition scholarships over the next few years to qualified students from Commonwealth countries, with preference to students from developing countries and small states.

Five scholarship programs – public health, business, medicine, veterinary medicine, and undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences – have been created under the umbrella of the Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program.

They will benefit both graduate and undergraduate students who demonstrate academic excellence, financial need and a commitment to their chosen discipline.

These scholarship awards will mainly be granted to students from developing countries where the need for trained professionals is great.

Distribution of scholarships is as follows:

Undergraduate Degrees

The 10 CGSG scholarships in the School of Arts and Sciences are designed to train professionals in a variety of professions that will enhance the business and educational infrastructure of Commonwealth countries, especially developing nations.

Master of Business Administration

The 25 CGSG scholarships in business administration will deliver trained managers who will be able to help developing countries build effective infrastructures in business, industry and government.

Doctor of Medicine

The five scholarships in medicine will provide well-trained doctors to enhance health- care delivery in developing nations.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

The 10 CGSG scholarships in veterinary medicine are designed to provide veterinary surgeons for Commonwealth countries in need of more veterinary medical professionals.

Master in Public Health

25 dedicated students will be selected, with special emphasis given to those who will dedicate their professional skills to the public health problems of their home countries.

Availability: This scholarship is offered bi-annually to 75 people.

Open for applications until September 15.

Main Contact: Laura Hinrichs. Tel: 631-665-8500. Fax: 631-665-8623. Email: Lhinrichs [at]

For more details and application, see: Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program Website

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