Funded Training on Local/Regional Economic Promotion and Trade.


In major industrial sectors direct export is no longer a way into the markets of industrialised countries but rather by integrating into work-shared value added chains.

Here, the promotion of economic development can give support by reducing regulatory processes, by policies to assist in the founding of enterprises in innovative industries, by attracting enterprises to set up business targeted, as well as by the integration of local companies into global production and value added chains.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) International Leadership Training (ILT) on “Innovative local/regional economic development and trade promotion (RED TRADE)” aims at building up capacities in private businesses, local and regional consultancy and service providers, economic development or urban and regional planning agencies and related public service or research institutions to draw up and implement regional development concepts.

International Leadership Training Scholarship

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) bears the costs related to the assessment workshop (international travel costs, food and accommodation) and German language course in Africa.

It does not cover the costs for travelling within the home country.

It will grant the selected and invited participants a scholarship for the 12 months of the training in Germany.

This scholarship covers course fees and materials, food and accommodation, a per diem allowance and course-related travel expenses.

Travel expenses to and from Germany are supposed to be met by the sending organisations as a contribution towards the advanced training.

Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

For more information and scholarship applications, see: Funded Training on Local/Regional Economic Promotion and Trade

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