Kasekere disease (an eye sty or hordeolum) is circular swelling on the inside or outside of an eyelid. Dr Charles Mainga, an optometrist at Eye to Eye Optical Centre in Kampala says eye stys may be characterised into two types. That is external and internal stys.
He says that external stys occurs when the swelling is on the outside of the eyelids (red bumps) while internal sty happens when glands are infected inside the eyelids thus causing red bumps underneath the lid.
Either external sty or internal sty can cause pus and are very painful. The causes of pus are generally bacterial so they bring blockage of oil glands hence a bump on the eyelashes.
Other causes of sty include poor nutrition, deprivation of sleep, improper hygiene and sharing of wash clothes like face towels. Stys disappear with or without treatment.