Legislators on the health committee of parliament chaired by
kaberamaido county mp Kenneth Omona have been on the fact finding
mission at Mulago hospital and discovered that over two villages of
Butakabukirwa and Mawanda road kamwokya are illegally connected to the
hospital water.
The hospital has been paying over 300 million shillings every month in
water bills due to illegal connections.
The hospital recently had a water crisis after it was disconnected for
none payment of over 6 billion shillings.
The mps had visited the hospital to find out, why the administration
failed to pay the water bills, establish allegations that patients
were dying due to lack of oxygen and whether the hospital land was
actually encroached upon.
The executive director of Mulago hospital Dr Baterana Byarugaba told
mps that the biggest challenge they are facing now is lack of space to
expand the hospital facility because most of the land has been
encroached on.