Land is a key factor of economic production, so we are taught in school. But even before we study that, everyone has realized the importance of land- the house or houses where you have stayed since you were born is built on land, the food you eat is grown on land, just as the school and church you go are on land.
Land ownership or acquisition has since time immemorial been at the center of not just the economics, politics but social relations of many societies. In an agrarian country like Uganda where 80% of the population depend on subsistence farm production, land is a most treasured asset.
But as many people continue in quest for land- land they can own and or use for different purposes, it is increasingly becoming difficult to assure oneself of genuine or certain land ownership.
One wonders why despite the many laws and legal regimes, land ownership still remains one of the unresolved administrative puzzles that have dared authorities with cases of fake land tittles, double and (sometimes) multiple ownership on the same piece of land, forceful and unjust evictions making up most of what we know about the land story in Uganda. As Antonio Kisembo found in this story, some cases stretch as deep as in-family fights, fake land titles to selling or buying of “hot air”. He takes us to one family in the central district of Wakiso feuding over land, the land officers to determine the difference between a fake and genuine land title and interviews from several people including the police land office on how to avoid becoming a victim of land fraud, as well as where to get help.
Controversies of fake and multiple land titles and what you can do to avoid being a victim
Although Lubowa Godfrey, Nansubuga Esther and Oliver Nalubwama have lived on this land since childhood, it took no time for their brother Semujju Richard to challenge their occupancy.
Whereas Semujju claims that Godfrey Lubowa and the sisters are illegally occupying the land, Lubowa says the piece of land was inherited from their late grandmother. It is not clear how Semujju obtained the land title yet Lubowa’s elder sister Nansubuga has the title of the deceased.
In the presentation below you will see Lubowa GodFrey, Nansubuga Esther and Oliver Nalubwama explaining how it happened and also see what the police and the ministry of lands officials are saying and watch what you can do to avoid being a victim of fake and multiple land titles.
Click on the start bottom and then click arrows below to move along the path of the story. You can also decide to view the project in the full screen mode by just clicking on view full screen on the right hand bottom of the player below and you can exit full screen mode by just clicking on exit mode.
Government moves to harmonise land registration and management
In a bid to enhance effectiveness and transparency in service delivery, the Ministry of Lands decentralised the Lands registry through creating Zonal offices to help members of the public to have easy access to registering a caveat, morgate, obtaining letters of administration,transfer of title, replacement of damaged titles and title search.
By clicking a on the arrows on both sides of the player below, you will be able to see the Ministry of lands newly created zonal offices. This story map shows location and services that you will obtain to access services like registering a caveat, Morgate, letter of administration, replacement of damaged titles and title search.
And here is a slide show of the images collected during research and interviews for the quest for Land project. Click on play button and the photo show will start
Related articles and laws on land
Computerising the Uganda land Registry…The Independent Magazine
Uganda’s Difficult path towards an agreeable land policy- Ugpulse.com /Ultimate Media
Digitalising Land registry will end title fraud- Daily Monitor
Frequently asked questions on Land- Ministry of lands
Ultimate Media