Imam Kasozi has been commended for his highlight of the Islamic Kisaakate. It seems Imam Kasozi has thought about it in broader perspective. Ugandans also still need Kisaakate for old folks. If you analyse well what many people post on facebook, speak on radios and TVs, you will find out that many Ugandans need trainings that can give them skills to leave well in marriage and general social life.
Associations for Muslim students at Makerere University and Muslim Students’ Association of Uganda) have had a Kisaakate programs annually.
There’s a sisters conference that is meant to prepare Muslim Girls/Sisters to live an Islamic life in times of adoloscents, School, after School and Marriage.
Muslims have TARRIBIYA Programs every end of the year. It’s an all inclusive program for both males and females. This is the greatest opportunity for those with children that have no opportunity throuth out the year to have an Islamic dosage.