The minister of works and transport Abraham Byandala has made a
statement to parliamentg explaining why the license of Air
Uganda was suspended.
Byandala was directed by parliament to make a statement regarding the
matter, following a concern by Dokolo MP Cecilia Ogwal that Government
had kept quite over the air line as many of its former staff had
become unemployed and they were suffering.
In his statement Byandala said that following an audit on air Uganda
by international civil aviation in June 2014, some irregularities were
found out.
He said that it was discovered that the professionalism and conduct of
air Uganda safety employees was doubted.
The minister adds that the Irregularities represented a significant
gap in the safety assurance process within air Uganda, which could not
be tolerated by CAA on behalf of Uganda and international civil
Meanwhile MPs were not satisfied with the minister’s explanation
saying the problem is not the air line but his ministry had not done
enough to improve air transport in Uganda.