Court: Bad side of Justice Odoki


On Monday the constitutional court slaped a ban on the reappointment of Justice Benjamin Odoki by president Museveni after attaining the mandatory 70 years of age retirement of public servants in Uganda.

The ruling was brought about by the case that was lodged by western region youth MP Gerald Karuhanga and others.

Justice Odoki is a man who moved the entire country of Uganda with the infamous Odoki constitutional review commission that culminated into the Odoki report which formed the basis of the 1995 constitution.

The Odoki report envisaged among others artilce142 and 144 which extensively talks about retirement and reappointment of judges which Odoki was at the fore front of crafting and also article 253 of the judicial service commission which is a prerequisite to recommend judges to the appointment though judges are recomended justice Bart Katurebe.


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