Experts in agriculture and soils are warning that Uganda’s soils risk being damaged which will result into loss of fertility if the country embraces GMOs as they propose.
Currently parliament is in corners trying to finalize the bio-technology and bio-safety bill to pass it into law with the aim of promoting GMOs usage and importation in the country which experts say it not wise and should be re-debated further.
According to Dr. Olupot Giregon and agriculturalist and soil science expert from Makerere university says the modern science Ugandan wants to implement has more chemicals which in the end sack all the soil nutrients out of soil rendering it impossible to facilitate the growth of indigenous seeds fro food.
He also goes ahead to state that research shows that the same modification in plants cause cancers in human being following the many chemicals used to modify the seeds and plants which are consumed by humans.
Its upon this matter that he warns that GMOs can not address the issues of food insecurity but rather create economic problems as well as insecurity in the world.