Mbabazi is required to respond to the NRM caucus findings

The former prime minister and the NRM secretary general John Patrick Amama Mbabazi is set to respond on the issues that were raised in the Ssenninde report that was discussed by the NRM parliamentary caucus on Monday.
According to the government chief whip Justine Kasule Lumumba, Amama Mbabazi on Monday informed her that he was in the final stages of making a written response to these issues regarding the NRM party primaries which were largely attributed to the person of Amama Mbabazi.
In this report, it was disclosed that the irregularities in the 2010 NRM party primaries were spearheaded by Amama Mbabazi on account of personal motives.
In this meeting it was also decided that all the members of the NRM party be registered afresh after ascertaining that the current party register was horded by their secretary general Amama Mbabazi who has since 2010 failed to release this register to the concerned authorities in the party.
Lumumba says that they are still waiting for Mbabazi’s response, though they have already made resolutions and conclusions regarding the raised issues.
Meanwhile Lumumba has further noted that the party branches which are the villages will be taking on the responsibilty of registering members of the party to come up with a fresh party register, also noting that a series of meetings are being held to decide the fate of Amama Mbabazi.

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