The term Katikkiro refers to the prime minister of Buganda kingdom. The Katikkiro in Buganda kingdom establishment presides over all activities whenever the king (Kabaka) is absent. He is also the second in command after the Kabaka. In this article, we reproduce for you the full list of all Buganda Katikkiros from 1889 to 2013 and here it goes:
Sir Apollo Kaggwa, reigned Buganda from 11th october 1889 to 1926. Tefiro Sekkuwa Kisosonkole was Katikkiro of Buganda from 1927 to 1929.
Martin Luther Nsibirwa (April 1929 to 1941). He was born at Kirindi, in Bugerere in 1883. He was also Katikkiro of Buganda from July 7th, 1945 to September 1945. Samuel Wamala was Katikkiro of Buganda 1942 to January 1945. Michael Kawalya 1945 to 1950. Paul Kavuma Neil 1951 to 17th October 1955. Michael Kintu October 1955 to 1964.
Johoash Mayanja Nkangi was Katikkiro of Buganda from November 1964 to December 1993. Joseph Mulwanyamuli 25th 1994 to January 2006. Dan Muliika reigned administered Buganda from 21st January 2006 to 13th December 2006. Emmanuel Sendawula 13th February 2007 to 31st December 2007. Eng. John Baptist Walusimbi from 1st January 2008 to 12th May 2013. Peter Charles Mayiga from 12th May 2013……