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One of the most scenic places you will ever find are the Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the Mountains of the Moon, found in western Uganda. The Rwenzori snow-capped peaks, glaciers and forestation have long inspired adventure here, with mountain climbers from around the world flocking to visit this place. The Italian Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy, the Duke of Abruzzi became the first person in 1906 to ascend this mountain to the highest peak, rising to a height of 5,1OO metres.
It is the largest mountain range in Africa, running for over 120 kms along the border with Congo. It originated during the occurrence of geological phenomena along the Albertine Rift Valley, and does not have a volcanic origin unlike many other African mountains. It was forced ‘up’ during the upheaval and formation of the Great Rift Valley.
Rwenzori Mountain is also home to an impressive number of mammals including elephants, chimpanzees, giant forest hogs, many species of antelope such as duiker, as well as a diverse and colourful variety of bird-life.
Close to the Rwenzori Mountains is the Queen Elizabeth National Park, which encompasses a wide range of habitats ranging from savannah and wetlands to riverine and low land forest. It is named after the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II who opened the park during her first visit to Uganda in 1963.
The area is pre-dominantly covered with water and 250 square kilometers of Lake Shores. Lake George, Lake Edward, The Kazinga Channels, Ishasha River and a series of crater lakes provide a rich habitat for both mammals and birds offering a brilliant wildlife viewing opportunity for visitors.
Added to all this is the beautiful scenic panorama and terrain. The park has 10 primate species, including chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, olive baboons, red tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys and a whole host of other wildlife to be seen.
Also called the ‘jewel in Uganda’s crown”, Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for boat rides on the Kazinga channel, game drives in Maramaganmbo forest and Ishasha, walks in Kyambura Gorge, visits to the traditional salt works at Lake Katwe and bird watching with over 600 species of birds.
Kibale National Park is another tourist wonder found in western Uganda . With lush tropical rainforest and fascinating diversity of animals, it is one of the most beautiful and stunning forests in Uganda . This forest has one of the richest ecosystems in the whole of Africa. It contains over 340 species of birds, 14 species of snakes, 27 species of frogs and toads, at least 20 species of other reptiles, at least 200 species of butterflies as well as many other forest animals, making it a primatologist’s dream.
Kibale National Park hosts a population of more than 1,000 chimpanzees, as well as half-a-dozen readily observed monkey species, including the acrobatic red colobus and black-and-white colobus, and the handsome L’Hoest’s monkey, all of which are tremendous fun to watch as they squabble and play in fruit trees. The park also hosts over 325 species of birds including the yellow spotted nicator, yellow rumped tinkerbird, little greenbul, green breasted pitta, the African pitta, the crowned eagle and the black bee – eater.
Situated within the remote Semliki Valley is Semliki National Park another alluring place that one must visit. The park abounds with birds, including 40 essentially Congolese species found nowhere else in Uganda .
The Sempaya Hot Springs, named after the river that forms the Congolese border are also situated in this park. The forested area harbours many mammals and is a rich mosaic of grassland, savannah, forest and wetlands. Of the 400 species of birds recorded, Shoebill are regularly spotted. Both of these secluded wildlife areas are of prime importance to bird enthusiasts, and therefore a major destination for visiting ornithologists from around the world.
Evidence has been unearthed by archeologists showing that prehistoric man walked the earth in western Uganda. Many sites have been excavated that show human habitation over the centuries, especially in Kibiro, near Lake Albert. Western Uganda is also home to Tooro and Bunyoro kingdoms with astounding heritage stretching over 8 centuries.
More information on Uganda
A profile of Uganda by the BBC
Information on different areas and sectors of Uganda, including crowd sourced information
News and updates about the President and Vice President of Uganda, statehouse and contacts of other government bodies.
Major sites with travel and tourism news and information
Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry