Mulyagonja was appearing before the legal committee to defend the IGG’s budget of 34.2 billion shillings for the financial 2015/16 which was chaired by the UPDF representative Sarah Mpabwa .
The legislators who included the Member of Parliament for Bugweri county Abdul Katuntu, Theodore Sekikubo and Medard Segona are concerned that the office of the IGG only prosecutes cases of little signifcance and ignores high-profile cases .
The Members of Parliament claim that a lot funds are lost in projects of the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority(PPDA) yet such cases remain un-prosecuted.
However Justice Irene Mulyagonja still insisted that people implicated in corruption scandals have been prosecuted regardless of their status.
The National Youth Member of Parliament Monica Amoding asked the IGG to investigate the stinking corruption in judiciary which is causing public hopelessness in this institution.