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NGOs launch Forestry Manifesto ahead of 2016 general elections

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A consortium of Non-Government  Organizations  doing Environmental conservation related work have launched a Forestry manifesto which is a guiding document to all political aspirants at all levels to consider  Environmental conservation as a strategic objective in their next tenure in leadership. Despite the Importance of the forestry sector, it is common in Uganda that as elections draw closer Enforcement of forest laws are relaxed leading to increase in illegal forest activities which leaves the country suffering from harsh climate change conditions.

It is against such that Civil Society Organizations like Care Uganda,  PANOS Eastern Africa and the Anti-corruption coalition Uganda  have launched the Forestry Manifesto  to emphasize the key Environment concerns which all political actors must consider as they seek for votes.

The Forestry Manifesto calls for increased funding towards Forest protection, provide alternatives to charcoal and firewood, among others, as Joshua Zake the programs Director at Environment Alert explains.

Speaking at the launch of the Forest Manifesto, Gladys Nagawa, Care Uganda’s Policy and Advocacy Specialist has urged all political aspirants to stick to principal of the law and resist pressures from their electorates who may want to grab Forest land.


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