Parliament has passed the presidential election amendment bill 2015 barring presidential candidates from accessing any financial contribution from government. Parliament has approved a fee of 20 million shillings for nomination of a presidential candidate to the electoral commission but there is nothing the electoral commission will contribute to the candidate.
This proposal was approved by parliament after the Aruu county Member of Parliament Samuel Odonga moved that anyone who is aspiring to be a president should not get a single shilling from government to stop them from profiteering in the election. The opposition MPs had objected to this fee, noting that this amount would stop some people to aspire for presidency. Opposition MPs had also wanted the presidential candidates to be given 50 million shillings as contribution from government to facilitate their campaigns in the country but parliament threw out such a proposal and gave nothing to candidates.
MPs further maintained the method of dipping the thumb into the ink after one finishes casting a vote instead of the government proposal of marking a finger nail which many MPs see as more time consuming.
Parliament passed Clause 2 of the presidential election bill that seeks to remove requirement for a candidate to campaign in every district of Uganda.