Some of the Member of Parliaments say that the withdrawal of UPDF from the South Sudan has been long overdue because they did not support the deployment. Commander of the Armed forces Gen Katumba Wamala announced Monday that Uganda’s army will leave neighbouring South Sudan by first week of November.
Busia Municipality MP Kevina Taaka says the Army was supposed to be protecting Uganda borders instead of being inside South Sudan, but involving the army in South Sudan was uncalled for and was just wasting the tax payer’s funds.
On the other hand, the MP PWD Western Region, Hood Katuramu, says it was very good for UPDF to stay in South Sudan to author peace and make sure that Sudan becomes part of the East African community. He adds that UPDF played a good role to curb ethnic wars that were likely to erupt in S. Sudan.
The move was a key rebel demand during drawn-out talks which led to a peace deal in August; they asked that all foreign forces leave by 10 October, 2015.