National IDs stranded at issuing centers due to non-collection

The National ID Registration Authority says that its stranded with many national identity cards  at issuing centers for registered citizens. The Acting  head National ID Registration Authority  in charge of security and operations  Col .Stephen Kwiringira  while appearing before the parliamentary  committee on legal  says  the Authority has printed 85% of the National Identity card and is faced with non-collection of the cards by registered Ugandans. He says that 3 million cards have not been issued, promising by the end of this year all the required ones will have been printed.
Kwiringira says that  National ID project printed 16,464,461 National IDs, of which 16,149,414 cards are issuable. He singled out Wakiso district as one of the districts with few people picking their national IDs. He noted that the picking of the national cards is low in the urban Centre compared to rural areas.

However, MPs questioned Col . Stephen Kwiringira  over reports that the authority demands 100,000 shillings  from people to issue cards ,which he denied and promised to investigate such allegations saying that card issuance is free. He added that the authority has not agreed on any amount for any person who could have lost his or her National Id although there will be a cost for replacement from the card holder.

MPs on the committee asked the National ID Registration Authority  to consider asking for a supplementary budget to extend the issuance of the national identity cards.
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