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NRM parliamentary losers consider defecting to GoForward

About 60 NRM parliamentary losers consider defecting to GoForward pressure group following a meeting they had with the sister in law of the GoForward presidential candidate Hope Mwesigye at parliament. The chairperson of the losers also West Budama south MP Oboth Oboth told journalists after a closed meeting that they are not satisfied with the way the NRM electoral commission handled their petitions and it is the reason why they have decided to run as independent candidates in the coming parliamentary elections.
Oboth also adds that after, they will make a final decision by Friday this week whether they defect to GoForward following the promise by GoForward’s Representative Hope Mwesigye  who was smuggled into the meeting by Kitagwenda county Nulu Byamukama.
Hope Mwesigye told the losers that they will be supported both physically and financially in the next elections. After this meeting, Mwesigy admitted to lobbying members to join GoForward adding that many had accepted to be recruited in Amama Mbabazi camp.
The MPs say that president Museveni had directed Vice chairman of NRM Alhajji Moses Kigongo  to meet the NRM primary losers to address them but they are surprised that up-to-date Kigingo has not met them.

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