The journalists’ rights body Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda (HRNJU) revealed that during the presidential and parliamentary campaign season and polling day, about 70 cases were recorded all having a bearing on the violation of the rights of journalists in the country, something the rights defenders says indicates signs of no respect to media freedoms and rights.
Releasing the findings, the national coordinator HRNJU, Robert Ssempala confirms that among the 70 cases recorded, 17 of them show that journalists were assaulted by contestants, their supporters, police and UPDF. The report continues to show that journalists and presenters from both print and electronic media houses were battered during this time with cases recorded in Masaka, Sembabula, Mbale, Mityana, Lira, Karamoja, Mbarara among other districts.
The rights body now condemns the Electoral Commission for remaining silent as politicians, security agencies and supporters continued to abuse the rights of journalists with impunity and its upon this that the body is considering taking legal action against these individuals if police fails to follow up on these cases.
Read full statement below:
Human Rights Network for Journalist Uganda Report 2016