Mandatory road testing of all vehicles to start in April


Government has come out with mandatory testing exercise of all vehicles in the country as one way of addressing the increasing road accidents in a move to reduce road carnage on the roads. The Minister of Works and Transport Eng. John Byabagabi while addressing Journalists at Parliament said with effect from April 2016 there will be mandatory road testing of all vehicles including those of Government to remove all the DMC vehicles from the roads .

The minister said Government still has a lot of work to do in as far as road safety is concerned especially in the areas of sensitization which he said is still wanting in one way or the other. He noted that due to construction of good roads many drivers are over speeding and to his surprise even those with DMC vehicles drive them at a speed equivalent to that of a brand new vehicle hence causing accidents.

The mandatory testing will be done at the regional level and all busy towns in the Country as one way of making the exercise quicker and smooth. The country is currently having more than one million vehicles and 4 million motorcycles according to the minister of works John Byabagambi

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