The Uganda National Population and Housing Census (UNPHC) are set to announce the final Census results for 2014 on 24th March 2016. The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Spokesperson Godfrey Nyabong says that they are to give the final figure for 2014 population census and the estimated number for
According to the provisional census results released in November 2014, Uganda’s population of 34.9 million had grown by 10.7 million from 24.2 million since the last census in 2002. Nyabongo says that they are to give several indicators in the final results including districts with the highest and lowest population, number of people in urban and rural areas and sex ratio, among others.
President Yoweri Museveni is expected to be the guest of honour at the releasing of the final census results at Serena hotel in Kampala.