NRM party has been ranked first in spending money in the previous concluded general elections. According to the final report released by Alliance for Campaign Finance Monitoring- ACFIM on campaign financing, NRM spent about 91.7% followed by Independents, FDC and the rest.
According to the Country director of Alliance for Election Campaign Finance Monitoring (ACFIM) Henry Muguzi the money spent by all candidates in the campaign race amounted to 2.4 trillion shillings. The report further shows that the said money was highly spent in districts of Kampala, followed by Luwero and Masaka. Muguzi says this money was spent in forms of donations and religious institutions like churches and mosques are the main beneficiaries.
- Mr Henry Muguzi, National Coordinator ACFIM presenting the numbers at Hotel Africana
- Launching of report
Meanwhile the alliance has appealed to both of the ministry of justice and electoral commission to cause enactment of a law to regulate campaign financing, best definition of voters bribery and also enforce the Political Party and Organisation act.