Acholi sub region MPs refuse insecurity claims

Gulu, Acholi, Uganda mapMembers of parliament from Acholi sub region say that there should be no cause for alarm that there are rebels in the area though there is a mix up in the security management. This as a Local Defence Unit (LDU) detach in Opit attacked and killed two people and fled with guns whereas as the Sunday incident in Gulu cost the lives of two security officers Cpl Moses Edema (UPDF) and the Aswa Regional Fire Officer Moses Masaba.
The Acholi parliamentary group says that there is nothing like rebel activities in this sub region though there was attack on Gulu central police barracks last week. The MPs led by the outgoing chairperson of Acholi parliamentary group who is also the MP for Aswa county Regan Okumu warned  government against linking  insecurity in northern Uganda to opposition members.

Acholi MPs  are also demanding an explanation from government on the unfolding insecurity in the region and asking for their involvement in ending such insecurity incidents and release innocent civilians who were arrested. They also demand for  the release or produce to court all the civilians that were arrested in the dispute than keeping them in cells at no mentioned account.
Regan Okumu says that what is happening in Gulu is an external attack which must be investigated by government, noting that there could be external groups hiding behind the locals to cause instability. The group  cautions  that given the insecurity the region has gone through for the past many years, they are not ready for any other war hence calling upon government to avail enough security to the region.

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