As a result of poor sanitation and low water cover in the country, Uganda loses 177 Million dollars every year to poor sanitation. This was revealed at a meeting where government and development partners launched the water and sanitation media awards for 2016 at hotel Africana in Kampala.
The director water development in the ministry of water and environment, Eng. Aaron Kabirizi says that saying 30% of Ugandans always don’t wash their hands after visiting toilets and again 30% of Ugandan households don’t have toilets which gives more justification for the losses in terms of money which he says in the long run impacts on the economic and social growth of this nation. Eng. Kabirizi also notes that though there are still glaring sanitation statistics in the country much has been done to check on the problem as he confirms that now rural clean water sources are standing at 80% (15000) though 35% Ugandan households have no access to clean water.
However, the country director water Aid Uganda, Eng. Francis Musinguzi wants water and sanitation issues to be highlighted for Ugandans as the country strives to move to a middle income earning status.