HE speaker of parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga has urged ugandans to get interseted in visiting tourism sites in the country as a way to promote domestic tourism. Kadaga said this while launching a charity run known as Twegaite Source of the Nile run Jinja which is aimed at attracting people to learn more about the source of the Nile and all the proceeds from the run will go to creating cancer awareness and promotion of education in the region.
Kadaga says that it is very disappointing to see in Uganda people do not get a chance to explore the different sites that the country is blessed with and she gave an example of a person who is born in Jinja but has never bothered to visit the source of the Nile citing that this trend can not boost tourism as there will be no basis to attract foreigners to visit our sites.
The government spokesperson Ofwono Opondo urged parliamnet to pass guidelines restricting schools from making children take trips to outside countries citing schools ask parents to part with over 800,000 shillings to go and visit countries like Kenya yet they have never been to any tourist site in the country which he says must stop if our children are to learn their heritage and country.
The executive director of Uganda tourism board Stephen Asiimwe says that the board is going to put more money into sport tourism as they have realised sport attracts many people which helps people in the area to benefit.