Members of parliament have condemned the re-appointment of the suspended fisheries law enforcement officers to inspect fishing landing sites in the country. This as the MPs who include the member of parliament for Kyoga county Anthony Okello and Kigulu north MP Bwino Kyakulaga told parliament that though president Yoweri Museveni in November 2015 suspended fisheries law enforcement officers over reports that they were harassing fisheries and extorting money and later they were reappointed, they have resumed the same bad practice of asking for money and illegally taking nets of fishermen.
MP Anthony Okello told parliament that on Lake Kyoga there is one Musisi and his friend Senyango from Ninge landing site in Karungi sub county, Nakasongola district sailing through this lake extorting money from fisheries and taking their fishing nets. He wondered why the government reappointed such condemned fisheries law enforcement officers. Okello said that government should address issues which include lack of capacity, experience and professionalism by the recruited fisheries law enforcement officers. He added that the fisheries officers are supposed to train and educate fishermen about conservation of rivers and lakes but they instead engage in harassing the fishing community.
While responding to this matter, the Government chief whip Ruth Nakabirwa said that she shares the same concern, adding that once the minister of fisheries settles in the ministry he will focus on putting in place regulation on fishing bodies so as there is no illegal operations.