When you are first starting out in a long term relationship, you never imagine it will be so hard to get along. As time goes on, you begin to see predictable patterns of behavior that can either complement each other or tear you apart.
There are some major differences between men and women that, when you look at them separately, understand the reaction and behavior that results from them, and can let your better half be your better half. These are the major differences that if you can just accept and learn to let go.
Men can only focus on one thing at a time, whereas women can multitask. If you give a man more than one task, he will either have ten projects started and never finished, or he will only do one at a time. Women, on the other hand, can work on ten different projects at once. They can go from one task to the next and pick up where they left off with ease.
Problems can arise when a guy turns inward rather than being able to deal with multiple problems at once. When he becomes muddled down with something, he is unable to see anything else that is going on around him. Even if the kids are crying and falling, he can just sit at the computer and not notice anything else.
It’s important to realize that he most likely isn’t doing this on purpose. He’s just not wired to pay attention to everything going on around him when he’s engrossed and working on another project.
Men show love, whereas women voice love. When a woman is in love with someone, she can’t stop talking about it. A guy is not the same. When he is in love with a woman, he won’t tell everyone around him. Instead, he will do things for her.
Not knowing how to voice their own emotions, men often get quiet in response. If you realize that a woman is wired to communicate in a verbal way, while a man is wired to protect and help the lady he loves, that will make it much easier to spot the signs of love on both ends.
Men are typically visual creatures when it comes to sex ,women not so much.Most women get very offended to find that their man has been blowing up their computer watching porn. No matter how much a guy insists that he doesn’t watch it, he does. Men are very visual creatures when it comes to sex. They need to fantasise more than most women do, and become turned on by just seeing sexual acts.
Women are more focused on the emotional side of a sexual act. To get in the mood, they need a good mix of erotics and some form of emotional connection. Remember it isn’t that women don’t get excited by porn, but rather, they just need more than the visual experience.
If you want to stop the arguing about his porn-watching habits, try making your own sex tapes and send them to him. Likely, if you give him movies of you, he will get just as turned on watching you do naughty things as he does when he watches porn. If you want to get your woman in the mood, cover her with kisses and praise for all she does for you. Emotionally stimulate her.
Women are concerned about the emotions and feelings of others, whereas men are concerned about their hunger and basic needs. Women truely spend a good majority of their time worrying about their children, their husband, some person they read about in the paper, what their mother-in-law was trying to get at when she made the remark about her cooking. A guy worries about what he is going to have for lunch and whether his wife is going to be in a good mood so that maybe he can have sex.
A woman is always on edge, she believes that the weight of the world rests on her shoulders. In the reverse, a guy worries about very little. In fact, he barely looks at any situation unless it is right in his face. That can leave a woman feeling like she wants to explode on a guy for seemingly no reason at all.
Unfortunately, sometimes you have to have thick shoulders and realize she may need your help. As a woman, it’s important for you to understand that he isn’t upsetting you on purpose. He has no idea about all the nonsense that is going on in your mind. He can’t see the worry, or the stress that you’re constantly enduring.
Knowing why men and women do what they do, and trying not to ascribe intention to what your mate does can help you get along much better with your better half. Women can’t help the way that they are wired any more than men can, but by helping each other better understand your needs and wants in life, the two of you can certainly live in blissful harmony together.