Parliament has indefinitely deferred the motion to amend the constitution to lift the age limit for judges. Parliament threw out the motion in proceedings chaired by the speaker of parliament Rebecca kadaga which was seeking leave to cause a constitutional amendment to allow the extension of the serving age of judicial officers on the basis that the mover who is the MP for Nakifuma county Robert Kafero Sekitoleko failed to convince members on the urgency of the amendment.
Mps rejected the motion on grounds that government promised to bring other amendments on issues which were not handled by the 9th parliament including the age limit of the judicial officers. Sekitoleko faced difficulty on the floor of parliament while moving his motion when all of the MPs supposed to second the motion who include
Tororo county MP Annet Nyakecho, Kyaka south county MP Jackson Kafuzi and MP for Dokolo north Paul Muru were rejected by the house. Kafero’s first seconder Paul Amuru was out of the country, the second person Annet Nyakecho was accused of conflict of interest since she has a court case on her election and Jackson Kafuzi was rejected since his law firm of Lwakafuzi and company advocates had clients in parliament.
Later Kafero accepted the house’s decision and pleaded that when government is bringing comprehensive constitutional amendments proposals his should be considered. Mps after rejecting this motion were seen leaving the parliamentary chambers dancing.