MPs to re table assurance bill that was earlier rejected in 2008

The Government Assurance Bill which was rejected by Parliament in 2008 is to be re-tabled in Parliament after the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, said government plans to communicate the way forward on the matter.

Nwoya MP Simon Oyet.
Nwoya MP Simon Oyet.

The plan to re-table the Bill to Parliament has been revealed by the Nwoya County MP, Simon Oyet, after the new leadership writing to Kadaga notifying her about the need for the bill to be tabled and passed into an act of Parliament.

Oyet said the Bill on Government Assurance would have been tabled as a private members bill but that it has a financial implication which ended being in the hands of Government.
He notes that the bill is much needed and appealed to government and President Museveni to fast track the bill because it’s going to benefit all Ugandans.

Oyet also said the committee is going to follow up all the pledges that have been made without being fulfilled so that people who pledge are compelled to meet the needs of Ugandans who badly need them.

He said Parliament is going to come out with a policy that will carry out checks and balance on leaders who make assurances so that such leaders are held accountable for failure to honor their pledges because the assurances are now in trillions of money for the last 30 years.

President Museveni is said to make alot of pledges which go unfulfilled according to some MPs.
President Museveni is said to make alot of pledges which go unfulfilled according to some MPs.

Oyet gave examples of government assurances made by the President and ministers in the areas of road Infrastructure, Education, Settlements among others and the people are still waiting up to present day.

The Committee on Government Assurances is among the four oversight Committees of Parliament and responsible for scrutinizing the assurances, pledges and tasks assigned by ministers and government agents in Parliament.

The committee is also tasked with foreseeing that the assignments, pledges and assurances are effectively fulfilled and implemented within a given time period.




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