A lawyer to the petitioner who sought an interim order against investigations into the oil cash reward to government officials is intending to persuade his client to withdraw the controversial interim order issued by Justice Steven Kavuma.
This after members of parliament condemned interference of the independence of Parliament by the interim court order by Justice Steven Kavuma stopping Parliament or any individual from inquiring into the 6 billion oil cash bonanza and the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, calling it ‘stupid’ before suspending Parliament indefinitely until the court order is withdrawn. Alex Candia of Candia & DW Oundo CO. Advocates who had paid a visit to the Speaker in regret of their actions met Members of Parliament, Elijah Okupa and Anita Among who sat in on behalf of the Speaker and apologized for actions and effects that has caused far-reaching consequences to the country. Candia said that he is going to write to his client Eric Sabiiti and advise him to consider withdrawing the matter which is before the court. He however, said that the ultimate decision will be taken by his client since he is the one who instructed him to seek this controversial interim court order. He added that if his client does not take his advise to withdraw the court order will quit the case.

Mr. Eric Sabitti (Right)celebrating with a lawywer after the Deputy Chief Justice Steven Kavuma granted them an interim order halting any inquiry into the oil cash bonanza.
Candia said that his apology does not mean that the interim court order is illegal or unlawful but is considering the consequences of this order to the country.
The Member of Parliament for Kasilo County and Bukedea district Woman MP, Anita Among said that the 42 officials who got the oil case reward should refund the 6 billion shillings they got as a reward.