The Leaders and Authority of Watoto Church on 20th May 2018 vowed to continue wedding couples based on the church’s set guidelines currently being challenged before the Constitutional Court by a prospective groom as being “harsh and unconstitutional”.
Micheal Aboneka dragged the born again church to court in May 2018, saying he was stranded after the church imposed what he considered stringent conditions before he could be allowed to wed on October 27 2018.
However, during the 8am service at Watoto Downtown along Bombo Road in central Kampala on 20th May 2018, the church’s Associate Team Leader, Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo, said anyone unwilling to obey the rules should look elsewhere to wed.
“Last week, media reports and particularly Daily Monitor newspaper, drew to our attention to a constitutional petition against Watoto Church, challenging our wedding procedures. We have engaged our lawyers to look into this matter but in the meantime, we want to reassure you that we will continue conducting marriages in line with our guidelines and our church constitution,” Pastor Rwotlonyo said, reading a statement from the institution’s leadership.
Aboneka is also seeking the Constitutional Court to annul all marriages consummated by Watoto Church under the restrictive conditions.
Pastor Rwotlonyo said: “We firmly believe that this is an expression of our freedom of worship as guaranteed by the Constitution of Uganda. It is not mandatory for anyone to exchange marriage vows in Watoto Church but if you choose to do so, we are committed to do whatever we can to prepare you for a proper marriage.”
Despite the church reacting to the pending suit by way of an oral statement to its members, their lawyers have to formally file their defence to the petition.
Pastor Rwotlonyo went on to justify the church’s set out marriage guidelines as being intended to have “strong and healthy” marriages among its members.
“We are also personally committed to helping you (church members) to building strong, healthy and happy families. Why? Because you matter. God Bless you!” he added.
In his petition last week, Aboneka narrates of how he last month booked for his wedding to be held at Watoto North but the conditions he was asked to meet were “harsh”, leaving him stranded.
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