Boda boda cyclists protest causes heavy traffic jam in Kampala

police battle with Boda Boda cylists

Boda boda cyclists around Kampala ganged up and rioted against the way they are treated by the police officers on Thursday 19th July 2018. In Uganda  motorcycle taxi (boda boda) is used as the fastest mode of transport since it can beat Traffic Jam delays and can pass through narrow roads used as shortcuts.

The rowdy Boda Boda owners and cylists closed various roads leading in and out of Kampala using stones and igniting fires in the middle of roads hence causing heavy traffic jam.

This forced police to fire teargas and live bullets in order to disperse the chaotic men especially on roads such as Namirembe road, Mengo, Bakuli among other roads.

Boda boda cyclist set a fire during the protest. Internet photo

It is reported that traffic police arrest cyclists and impound their motorcycles with no good reason and always made to pay huge amounts of money like Shs100,000 in order to retain the motorcycles.

Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire, said, “the money collected from the cyclists as fines is given to URA” he added “the cyclists are arrested because they lack driving permits, use the wrong side of the road as well as ride along  pavements.” He advised the cyclists to always inform the police instead of rioting about such issues. He also noted that a number of people have been arrested during these riots.

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