The late MUHAMMAD KIRUMIRA was born in 1983, he acquired a Bachelor’s degree in education at Kyambogo University from which he graduated with a first class degree and was a teacher by profession.

He joined police in 2005 and became a detective in Kibale after training. He survived in various areas amidst the challenges as he made a name for himself in the police when he had no tolerance for criminals. He was an enemy for criminals and corrupt officers which sowed seeds for the troubles he went through when he was an officer.
He became an OC of Nansana but however, in 2014 was suspended and charged with misuse of office. Kirumira always fought cases theft and he once chased a man off the village as he claimed that this man was a threat to the people of Nansana. He later announced that he had quit office during this time, he engaged in causal labor such as welding and teaching. He later rejoined the police and was sent for training in Jinja.
In 2016 he was posted to Old Kampala Police station during his time at Old Kampala, the police reported very many crimes most especially theft than usual as he always fought crime through raiding neighboring slums and recovering stolen property.
He was then transferred to Buyenda in eastern Uganda as a district Police commander. Th late claimed he was moved because he was a threat to criminals and corrupt officers.

In 2018, he was later charged and arrested on counts of various chargers such as torture, bribery, extortion, bribery, un lawful arrest and excessive use of authority. He was also accused by a crime preventer by names of Joseph Bukenya who claimed that the late had refused to pay for the rolex he had eaten despite the various attempts to demand for his money. The late was brutally arrested amidst gun shots and the door to his house was cut off when he refused to get out of his house due to the deployment of police men at his home on his way to court.
He resigned from police, and was found guilty of some charges. When arrested, he was taken to Nalufenya from which he was allegedly tortured when he was released, he advocated for the closure of Nalufenya( where most prisoners are tortured) and the abolition of the flying squad.
At the time of his resignation after 12 years of serving as a Police man, he claimed there was a lot of harassment, discrimination and corruption among the senior police officers who thought he was a threat to them . His confrontations with criminals and his legal battles with the police gained the late many admirers but they also made him many enemies. By the time of his resignation, he was preparing to stand for MP of Mawokota.
The late Kirumira always assured the public that he was not afraid to die, “When you speak you die, when u keep quiet you die, better speak and die when the message has reached the people.” he once said.
On Saturday 8th September 2018, Afande Kirumira was murdered with a female friend identified as Resty Nalinya near his home in Bulenga. He was shot multiple times in his toyato corona UAG 228G by assassins on a motorcycle and was rushed to Lugaba hosptal from which he was announced dead. He was laid to rest on Sunday in Mpigi.
He passed on at the rank of ASP although he had retired according to Police spokesman Emilian Kayima.
The late was a very good friend of the late Andrew Felix Kaweesi who was the AIGP of Uganda and was similarily murdered in cold blood he named his last born after kaweesi.
The late Muhammad Kirumira, had a reputation for being a fearless crime fighter and an outspoken critic of the Police Force for which he worked. He left behind a widow and four children and he was always of a friend of the media.